The public sector healthcare system in Pakistan is beset with numerous problems such as structural fragmentation, resource scarcity, inefficiency and lack of functional specificity, gender insensitivity and inaccessibility. For 66% living in the rural part of the country, poverty, illiteracy and inadequately organized healthcare compound already slowing down progress in health indicators. The government of Pakistan has been spending 0.6 to 1.19% of its GDP and 5.1 to 11.6% of its development expenditure on health over the last 10 years.

Given this context one thing is very clear, government cannot do alone. The NGO sector is contributing in providing and promoting health services. Caritas Pakistan had also implemented some mega health projects in the past to improve health status of the deprived and marginalized communities.

Health being a right and necessity of every person has emerged as a main thematic area in the recent strategic planning of Caritas Pakistan. Thus the Health Program has been designed with the broad strategy objective being “provision of affordable, accessible and quality health care to the beneficiaries across the country in an equitable manner (region, gender, income). Initially the Program prioritizes primary health care related interventions consistent with available financial resources, and provides a roadmap for action outlining the main themes, targets and strategic directions.


The following services are recommended to be included in PHC at the Alma-Ata Declaration in 1978:

  • Education concerning prevailing health problems and the methods of preventing and controlling them
  • Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition
  • An adequate supply of safe water and basic sanitation facilities
  • Maternal and child health care, including family planning
  • Immunization against major infectious diseases
  • Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries
  • Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases, and
  • Provision of essential drugs

To maintain the holistic approach required for improving the health of targeted population, Caritas Pakistan will involve related government departments in target areas and also coordinate with church run health centers.


The program focuses two components of Primary Health Care (PHC) that are Public Education and Maternal & Child’s Healthcare. Over 50% of the project’s target population are from four main groups:

  • Slum dwellers living legally in slums
  • Squatters living illegally on land owned by others
  • Communities living close to industrial areas
  • Other urban poor living throughout urban areas, mixed with the non-poor

Caritas Pakistan concentrates on the following activities:

  • Training of local women as midwives/birth attendants to reduce risks during childbirth
  • Instruct women on pre and post-natal care and early childhood development
  • Provide information on family planning and birth control
  • Give instructions on simple practices that improve hygiene and sanitation
  • Provide instructions on how to make drinking water safe
  • Provide information on how to reduce the risk of communicable diseases


  • Men and women
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers
  • Undernourished children
  • New born babies
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Transgender

“Better Health for All” in the target districts of four provinces of Pakistan (Punjab, KPK, Sindh and Baluchistan)

  • Improve preventive basic health care for mothers & small children reducing infant mortality rate
  • Proper training of Traditional Birth Attendants and Lady Health Workers
  • Organize medical camps across the country
  • Organize health seminars and workshops at community and district level to sensitize people
  • Build networking and linkages with government/private run health care facilities
  • Database of trained TBAs and Health workers
  • National level TOT (Training of Trainers) on Primary Health Care
  • Community level training on primary health care
  • Education on health issues and preventive methods
  • Refresher courses/workshops for TBAs and lady health workers
  • Referral services: There are different levels of referral system. However, Caritas Pakistan is mainly concerned with the first level. The LHW, CMW and the BHU
  • Upgrade existing health centers run by the church
  • Awareness Campaign for Life
  • This campaign will include series of activities like publication and distribution of IEC material (Information, Education, Communication), walks, interactive theatres, and awareness seminars etc.
  • Free Medical Camps

Major Interventions