Launching Ceremony of Education Project:
To provide basic education to disadvantaged children, Caritas Pakistan has launched children education project on February 14th, 2019 at National secretariat, Lahore. The purpose of this project is to cater school dropouts to start their education again. This project was initiated in 4 Catholic Dioceses of Pakistan included Hyderabad, Faisalabad, Karachi & Lahore. The project launching ceremony emphasizes on the importance of education and its contribution in the development of community.
Orientation and Planning meeting of staff:
Caritas Pakistan organized “Orientation & Planning meeting of Education project” on February 13-14, 2019 at National Secretariat, Lahore. Project staff from all the implemented Diocesan units participated in this meeting. The Diocesan program officers shared their initial research work, field surveys, needs & challenges faced.
Strategic Planning & Meeting of Education project team:
Along with National Office; CPL, CPF and CPIR teams came together for consultation & Strategic planning meeting which held on January 18th, 2019 at regional office, CPIR. This meeting was organized to strive to made underprivileged slum children educated, in which parents were motivated to play an important role in nurturing their child and to get successful in life. Team observed the mechanism, challenges and problems of community that hinder education process.
ToT of Teachers & Project staff:
Caritas Pakistan National Secretariat (CPNS) conducted two days intensive Training of Teachers on March 14th -15th, 2019. The District Project Officers from Lahore, Hyderabad, Karachi and Faisalabad Diocesan units participated in this training. Through group work and interactive sessions every participant received knowledge on education system, Psychological strategies to deal with children and joyful learning approach etc. The main components of this training were included curriculum development, Classroom management and Multi-grade teaching systems.

Focused Group Discussion (FGDs):
Focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted at selected villages under Education Program. The purpose of the discussion was to acquire qualitative data regarding children being dropout from the schools or not getting admission into the schools. After discussion the points were made that the essential reason of children being dropout from the schools or not getting admissions into the schools is poverty. Most of the children get drop from the schools because they don’t have enough money to pay the fees or to buy the books and stationeries. In FDGs the community shared their views for furthermost effective working of Caritas Community schools in selected areas.
Center Management Teams Formation (CMT):
All diocesan units formed Center Management Teams comprised of 10 members in each team in January, 2019. They organized Center Management Team meetings with all members of CPM including village development committee (VDC) member and school teachers. Meeting was organized to discuss how center will organize and CMT will ensure the sustainable part of the Caritas Community School to promote Caritas initiative at best of their knowledge.
Training of Center Management teams:
Center Management Team Trainings were organized at CCS of all Catholic Diocesan units under education project. The purpose of the training was make committee member aware to fulfill their responsibilities i.e. follow up visits to the center, follow up of the ab sent students, contact with parents and also create awareness regarding importance of education among the communities and also to help teacher in conducting programs in the centers. The members were bound to have monthly meeting and to discuss the progress of the centers and to help teacher organizing the programs. It was also guided to the CMT members to call meeting if/when required. DPOs took the session along with the area catechist to enhance the capacities of the CMT members to make sure that the centers are running smoothly.
Taleemi Bethak:
Taleemi Bhethak Trainings were organized at CCS in all targeted districts. Participants from Private and Government schools, education department and office staff participated in the training. The purpose of the meeting was to share Caritas’ Education Program and support in admissions in Government school of Caritas Community School Students and mainstream them for higher education.
Baseline Survey & Enrolled Students
Baseline survey was conducted that pointed a lack of schools in marginalized community having larger ratio of school dropouts and working children. Village development committees (VDC) and center Management teams (CMT) identified the place for the schools. Village selection was made on the basis that, there were no education schools (Government and non-government) available in these areas and many children were deprived to go to school. 8 Non Formal Multi graded Education system based Caritas Community Schools were inaugurated in the places present in the same villages on the identification of VDG. These centers would provide all the stationary, books and bag to equip children with quality education at their door step. Student of ages between 4-13 Years and their parents through mobilization process urged to send their children in schools for their better future.
Non-Formal Education Centers Establishment: (Caritas Community Schools CCS)
All Diocesan units of Caritas Pakistan organized Inauguration ceremonies of Caritas Community Schools in selected areas on March, 2019. Aim and objectives of CIEP program were shared with the community and educational material including books, school bags and stationary for the school and students were distributed among the beneficiary. 15 centers were established during this year after great support from community. Churches and Parishes.
District Forum
District Forum Meeting was organized by Diocesan units under CIEP Program in May, 2019. The Objective of this meeting was to share the ongoing activities of Caritas Community schools (CCS) with group of Education stakeholders. Government policies for the schools were shared. How CCS enhance its collaboration with the Government schools or private Diocesan schools.
A strong collaboration was structured between the stakeholders and CIEP program. Caritas Pakistan team organized initial meeting with CMT members in all 4 diocesan units to describe their roles and responsibilities. Consisting of 10 Members (2 from each CMT) are also part of District Forum all together there are 40 members of DTB members in all implementing diocesan units. District Forum selected 5-10 formal education schools in each district. They build strong linkages with the school administration to mainstream students to skill centers and formal education schools.
Exams are a great way to reinforce and evaluate students understanding of the course content and main ideas. There are several different ways to approach exams.
A midterm exam, is an exam given near the middle of an academic grading term, or near the middle of any given quarter or semester. Exams are a type of formative assessment, to measure students’ grasp of the course materials and identify areas that need to work. It was observed that during exams students were much aware about their course and their paper attempt showed their interest of study.
Result Declaration
The results of the students of Caritas Community Schools were announced in September and October, 2019 at CCS of various Districts. It was the completion of first phase of the Caritas Community Schools. which are established to provide quality education at the door steps of the marginalized communities, where there are no such facilities available.
Mr. Amjad Gulzar (National Executive Director of Caritas Pakistan) presented result cards and special gifts to the students of aforementioned community schools. He expressed his great joy and motivated the students to continue their sincere efforts to get education as education is way to proceed successful in life. He ensured that Caritas will continue their efforts to educate deprived children and try to mainstream them to become productive citizens of Pakistan. He asked cooperation of the community members as without their support, we can’t do anything for their children. The Event ended with hope of betterment, aim to continue success through hard work and dedication, aiding our ambition to become the best.

Mainstreaming students:
Cartas Pakistan is contributing in Education promotion in Pakistan through its ongoing Program “Caritas Initiative for Education Promotion”. Under this Program Caritas Pakistan is targeting parents and the community members to strengthen the awareness of the communities regarding Importance of Education to provide children an equal opportunity to learn and grow and to sensitize the communities regarding their responsibility to provide Education to every children of the society DPOs shared the progress of Caritas Community Schools (CCS) and said that in future CP has a plan to enroll these children into mainstream schools of the Government.
Education Project Training of Teachers & Staff
Caritas Pakistan National Secretariat (CPNS) conducted two days Training of Education Project staff and Teachers on June 29-30, 2021 at Cardinal Coutts hall, Lahore. This training focused on curriculum development and planned strategies for multi-grade teaching systems. Teachers from different Diocesan units participated and learned about the basic education need and challenging situation in their respective areas.

NFE Project & Coordination Meeting:
Caritas Pakistan National Secretariat (CPNS) organized two days Training of Education Project staff and Teachers on November 22-23, 2021 at Cardinal Coutts hall, Lahore. Along with national project team, CPM, CPL and CPL education project staff participated. The participants were briefed about project orientation and effective methods for teaching in community based educational centers.
Education Project Workshop & Planning for NFE sector
Education project workshop and planning meeting was hosted by National office on December 8-9, 2021 at renewal center, Lahore. All project Diocesan units participated in this workshop. Classroom management techniques and strategies were discussed.

Education Training Workshop for Education Project Staff
A two days Education Training Workshop for Education Project Staff was organized on March 10-12, 2022 at National Secretariat, Lahore. All Diocesan units participated in this workshop. In this training, Curriculum development, classroom management techniques and tackling child psychology in multi-grade teaching systems.
Training of Teachers- Education in Emergencies situation
In order to tackle devastating flood conditions regards to education component, two days’ Trainings of Teachers- Education in Emergencies situation was organized on December 06-07, 2022 at National Secretariat, Lahore. All Diocesan project staff participated in this training.