Skill Training Workshop Of “Block Printing”
Caritas Pakistan Karachi, under their “Livelihood and Food Security Program” organized a two-day skill training workshop of “Block Printing ” for unskilled and untrained women and young girls on 10th and 11th of March, 2016 at Skill development Center of Caritas Karachi.
15 young girls and women from different areas of i.e. Azam Basti, Masoom Shah, Manzoor Colony and Akhter Colony were participated in the training workshop.
The goal of the Program was to Strengthening capacity and access of women to livelihood opportunities thus reducing poverty and hunger through skill and support initiatives. The objective of the Skill Training workshop to aware, teach and develop the entrepreneurship skills among the unskillful girls and women and train the unskilled young girls and women in the trades of Block Printing.
Ms. Samina Maqbool was the main trainer of the workshop and Ms. Yasmeen Robert was assisting her during the training workshop. Fifteen young girls learnt different Block printing methods with keen interest.
The young girls shared that trainer Ms. Samina Maqbool imparted skill and knowledge of Block printing in very easy and effect way. The participants further said that this training will be helpful for them to start small scale business at home in future.
Mr. Mansha Noor, Acting Executive Secretary of Caritas Pakistan Karachi in his remarks said that we were organized this training workshop with the aiming to boost your income and build and Strengthening your capacity which help you to providing you alternative livelihood which beneficial for you to start your own small entrepreneurship by utilizing these knowledge and skills.
15 young girls and women those were successful completed their two-day training