Diocesan Bishop’s Messages
Pakistan Catholic Bishops Conference has declared “a day of prayer and fasting” on May 8 for end of virus. Here is the list of Catholic Institutions and Parish Response to COVID-19 around the country.
Lahore Archdiocese

Catholic Intuitions and Parishes Response to COVID-19 in Archdiocese of Lahore
- Parishes and commissions are distributing food packages on self-help basis in their respective parishes
- Congregations are also distributing food packages among deserving and poor families.
- Training on making of facemask was conducted in the leadership of His Grace Archbishop and Caritas coordinated this activity. His Grace distributed his gifted clothes and Rs. 2000 to 35 participants. Trained women make masks and distributed among communities.
- His Grace Archbishop distributed 15000 facemasks to 30 parishes of Archdiocese of Lahore.
- Online Holy Mass led by His Grace Archbishop is being telecast on Catholic TV and Catholics in Pakistan at 6 PM daily.
- His Grace Archbishop Sebastian Shaw donated 5000 facemasks to different religion leaders (Muslim, Sikh & Hindu)
- All denominations jointly organized Prayer Serving on Good Friday at Sacred Heart Cathedral.
Karachi Diocese

- The Archdiocese of Karachi under the leadership of His Eminence Joseph cardinal Coutts, Archbishop of Karachi Established ration camp at St. Patrick’s Cathedral with the collaboration of JDC Foundation to distribute the ration bags to needy Christian Families.
- Anthony’s Parish distributed ration among 354 families as Easter Gifts to celebrate the Glorious Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ in their parish.
- Archdiocese of Karachi distributed 1000 ration bags through parish’s 100 ration bags in each Parish for needy Christian Families.
- Patrick’s Cathedral Distributed Food hampers among needy Christian families of their Parish.
- Luke’s Parish distributed ration bags among needy families in their parish areas with support of their Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) Religious Congregation.
- Philip’s Parish distributed ration bags among needy Families of their Parish.
- Focolare Movement Karachi distrusted 22 Food hampers in St. Francis’s parish with collaboration of Caritas Karachi.
- Vincent De Paul Society distributed ration bags and IEC Material among needy Christian families at St. John’s Parish and Sacred Heart parish Kaemari.
- All the Parishes of the Archdiocese of Karachi distributed ration bags among the needy Christian families of their respect Parishes areas on self-help basis.
- Pius X Minor Seminary of the Archdiocese of Karachi distributed ration bags among needy Christian Families.
Multan Diocese

His Excellency Most Rev. Bishop Benny Mario Travas, Bishop of Multan and Priests in Multan city Parishes distributed, 750 Food Packages with the support of District Government through Roomi Fabrics, Ismial Mills and Shama Ghee Mills
- Priests in all parishes are distributing food packages with the support of District Government and Local Philanthropists
- Most Rev. Bishop Benny Mario Travas supported 65 families with food package in Multan
- Online holy masses in most parishes
- Priest in Rangpur Parish distributed 320 food packages with the support of MPA
- Dominican Friaries and OMI community is also supporting with food packages in their parishes
Rawalpindi – Islamabad Diocese

Almost all the parishes are distributing ration packs and also cash support to deserving families. About 1700 families have been assisted in different cities in different parishes of the Diocese.
Archbishop Joseph Arshad has issued statements to the faithful.
His Grace has also offered to places to government departments for making quarantine centers in rawalpindi and peshawar.
Social media of the Diocese is also spreading info on prentive measures by the government