Alerts, Featured

Review of SAFBIN Program

Caritas Pakistan organized a mid-term review and coordination meeting at National Secretariat on 5th October to review the progress of SAFBIN (Smallholder Adaptive Farming and Biodiversity Network) program. The primary focus of the meeting was to review the process of PRA, its tools and focused group discussion (FGDs) in the targeted villages of districts Khushab and Sargodha. Furthermore this meeting also discovered the challenges; gaps and problems faced by DPOs (District Program Officers) and VRPs (Village Resource Persons) while implementing of SAFBIN program. The VRPs and DPOs gave their feedback on PRA process and planning for household survey and record maintained by field team was assessed. Based on the gaps identified action points were reflected and planning of activities for the period October 2018 to March 2019 was also discussed.

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