Plant a Peace Tree
Caritas Pakistan Multan under youth for peace project organized Plant for Peace Campaign and Press Conference in Boland Hall, Caritas Office Bishops House Multan Cantt on September 8, 2018. His Excellency Most Rev. Bishop Benny Mario Travas chaired the program while Deputy Commissioner was the chief guest. Rev. Fr. Riaz Gosal , Rev. Fr. Ferhan Irshad and Mr. Mahindar Paul Singh (MPA Punjab) were the guest of honors.
“Caritas Pakistan is obliged by providing such services to the marginalized communities by building their natural abilities to work for the sustainability of our environment,” said Bishop Benny Travas.
All guests acknowledged the services and contribution of Catholic Church and Caritas in bringing people of all faith in coalition for national cause of planting 200 trees that ultimately contributes in reducing the effects of Climate change. On September 9, 2018, CPM also organized Disaster Management and volunteer conference at St. Jude High School, Chak No. 5/4-L, Muzaffargarh to highlight the services of volunteers, who are working with Caritas Pakistan Multan since long time. The day was marked by planting 300 saplings accompanied by Most Rev. Bishop Benny Mario Travas, Mr. Amjad Gulzar, Mr. Aneel Mushtaq and Mr. Samuel Clement along with volunteer and community members.