Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Hygiene Awareness Seminar on Dengue Prevention

Caritas Pakistan Islamabad/Rawalpindi (CPIR) conducted a seminar focusing “Hygiene Awareness on dengue prevention” under EA/21 Pakistan Flood response, at Fatima villa Islamabad on 19th October, 2019. The seminar was honored with the kind presence of His Grace Archbishop Dr. Joseph Arshad and Mr. Amjad Gulzar (Executive Director Caritas Pakistan).

Around 80 participants attended the session and gained knowledge to control the spread of dengue fever by eliminating the sources through which the dengue transmitting mosquito multiplies in number. The symptoms and prevention of the epidemic were also shared. “Caritas is always at the forefront in responding to the natural disasters and to control the spread of related health epidemics” said Mr. Amjad Gulzar.

Archbishop Dr. Joseph Arshad, expressed his well wishes for the victims and also prayed for their instant recovery and normalcy to life. Thereafter, Dengue awareness flyers published by CPIR were distributed among all the participants.