
2nd Volunteer and Disaster Management Conference at Pasrur

Caritas Pakistan Lahore (CPL) organized “Volunteer and Disaster Management Conference” for the second time at Village Hanjli Mehtabpur, Pasrur, District Sialkot on November 19, 2019. Children presented welcome songs and tableaus highlighting importance of volunteerism & serving others for formation of better society. During panel discussion, members of Disaster management committees (DMCs) shared their stories that they are always ready to facilitate marginalized people voluntarily. They added that we are thankful to Caritas for their formation and enabling them to think for others.

Dr. Imran (Livestock Department), Mr. Idries (Punjab Forest Department), Mr. Sudheer (TMO) appreciated the efforts of Caritas for flood prone communities and assured their cooperation in work of Caritas for Community Development. Fr. Rafhan Fayyaz shared that Caritas being the social wing of Catholic Church always tried to stand with people in difficulty and volunteers are playing very important role in the work of Caritas at grass root level.

Mr. Amjad Gulzar (Executive Director) appreciated the efforts for organizing this conference, which led by the volunteers. He admired the sharing of volunteers and their remarkable efforts for humanity. Mr. Naeem Naz (Diocesan program Coordinator CPL) expressed his gratitude to all the distinguished guests, volunteers and all who contributed for making this conference successful. Appreciation shields were presented to the volunteers for their dedicated services.