In response to the imminent risk of forced eviction and following the requests from the parishes a pre-eviction assessment was conducted by the social mobilizers of Caritas with coordination of the Pastoral team in the affecting areas located adjacent to the Gujar Nalla and Organi nalla.

The objective of this assessment was to gather information at household-level which was affected and also for better understanding of the needs of the communities at those are at risk.

The pre assessment also help for the timely responses at the time of eviction process are start in their areas and help for the advocacy for the rights of alternative accommodations.

Caritas Pakistan Karachi started the listing and to calculate the expected demolished houses.
Pre-eviction Caritas Pakistan Karachi formed the Volunteers groups in the affecting communities to listing and collected the data of expected affected people.

Caritas Pakistan Karachi also builds the networking among the communities and other civil societies organizations who were involved in the affecting areas.

Caritas Pakistan Karachi & Hyderabad conducted need assessment in affected involving affected communities along with Parish Priest and committees. In Karachi need assessment was conducted by Program Officer, Social Mobilizer, Executive Secretary along with support of relevant Parish Priest. In Hyderabad, it was conducted by Program coordinator, Executive Secretary and Social Mobilizer along with Government Officials.

515 Families have been identified as most vulnerable and in dire need of urgent support. The list of selected families has been shared with Church and stakeholders.

Urgent needs of the communities;

• Livelihood support for small shop keepers in terms of material and cash will be great contribution, small enterprises, provision of rickshaw, Cash grant for families, additional livelihood opportunities,
• WASH related issues are huge and open defecation is increased in the area
• Foods is emerging is fundamental needs
• Construction support to people their houses have been partially damaged. Tents is the basic needs, as extreme summer and monsoon season is coming up.
• Kitchen set is major needs.