Emergency, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

Corona virus awareness session – Caritas Pakistan Karachi

Caritas Karachi organized the awareness session on precautionary measures and hand washing with fisher folk beneficiaries on 21st of June, 2020 at Sommar Goth, Hawksbay, district west, Karachi.

The aim of the program was to make the people understand about the effect of corona virus and follow precautionary measures and method of hand washing to fight against Corona virus.

Mr. Sarfraz Anwar, Diocesan Project Officer explained about the safety measures. He guided the participants about steps of hand washing as stated in IEC material of Caritas Pakistan.

“Kindly stay at home and avoid unnecessary travel. Save yourself, your family and community. Caritas Pakistan will continue helping the needy in their hard time,” he said.