Caritas Pakistan Karachi Celebrates World water Day 2021
Caritas Pakistan Karachi under its WASH project celebrated the World Water Day 2021 with the children of St. Barnabas School, Khuda Ki Basti. The theme of World Water Day 2021 is valuing water. Mr. Amir Robin (M&E officer) and Mr. John Rehmat (Program Coordinator) highlighted that water resources in Pakistan are facing crises due to at huge level of water wasting and unawareness regarding saving water.
The value of water is about much more than its price – water has enormous and complex value for our households, food, culture, health, education, economics and the integrity of our natural environment. If we overlook any of these values, we risk mismanaging this precious commodity.
The resource persons made children realized how they waste water while washing their hands or taking bath. They made a promise to the children that they would no longer waste water in future. A hand washing demonstration was also taken by Sarfraz Anwar (Project Officer).
Mr. Mansha Noor Executive Secretary Caritas Pakistan Karachi said SDG 6 is to ensure water and sanitation for all. He advised the teachers to make children habituate to use less water during washing hands and also while washing or bathing. AT the close of the event, a Dettol soap was given as gift to all the children who were present at the occasion.