Major Interventions
As a social wing of Catholic Church in the Diocese of Faisalabad Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad is actively working through different Emergency & development project without any discrimination of color, creed, cast or religion in all the districts, regions & parishes, under all these project different communities were targeted to enhance their capacities, capabilities and also providing the basic awareness for their successful & sustainable life in all the fields. In 2022 many challenges were faced by Pakistanis in which the great strike of inflation rate was the toughest challenge for all citizen to have their daily bread or to fulfil their basic needs to support the deprived and poor communities “Emergency Support in Punjab, Pakistan Preparedness & Immediate Response In the Diocese of Faisalabad” was successfully implemented in Diocese of Faisalabad by the kindest support of Caritas Japan.
In 2022 Flash flood in Pakistan destructed different fields at vast in all over Pakistan, to support the flood & heavy rains affected families Little Way Association supported Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad to support the victims & needy communities. All the mentioned projects were successfully implemented under the kind supervision of His Excellency Bishop Dr. Indrias Rehmat & Charismatic leadership of Mr. Aneel Mushtaq (Diocesan Executive Secretary-Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad) and targeted the most deserving & poor communities.
“Emergency Support in Punjab, Pakistan Preparedness & Immediate Response
In the Diocese of Faisalabad” supported by CARITAS JAPAN
In 2022, the drastic inflation rate has made everything so difficult for every citizen of Pakistan to live a sustainable life. To address main rising and difficult situation of Pakistan, the root cause of every challenge for poor is economic instability, skyrocketing inflation rate, Hunger, poverty, health diseases causing due to Heat wave. Due to poverty it get so difficult for poor to have their daily meal or to fulfil their daily basic needs. After the skyrocketing inflation ratio, prices of every single eatable and non-eatable goods has risen to unexpected rates from the actual rates. It was the difficult situation for poor’s because their hardworking, working hours, salary or daily wage was same as it was before inflation strike. In this stressful situation it was difficult for poor to fulfil their hunger needs as the heat wave was an also hindrance for them to work properly. Those who were working were badly affected by the miserable impacts of heat wave causing severe health issues such as numerous cases of acute kidney injury (AKI) caused by heatstroke, acute water diarrhea ,and gastroenteritis have been reported from all over the country, especially Punjab as extremely hot weather scorches these areas.
To support the deprived communities Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad with the kindest support of Caritas Japan supported the most deserving & vulnerable Elderly, widows, daily wagers, Orphan, Brick kiln workers sanitary workers, rickshaw drivers, donkey cart drivers, domestic workers, street Hawkers, private job salaried person and poor families by distributing relief food packages in the different backward areas of Faisalabad Diocese.
Food Distribution ceremonies were organized in different Regions (backward and deserving areas/ parishes) of Faisalabad Diocese. All the Food Packages distribution was started by opening prayer and blessings by Parish priest of the specific area, all the targeted benefiacries received their Food Packages by the blessed hands of V. Rev. Fr. Abid Tanveer (Vicar General of Faisalabad Diocese), Mr. Aneel Mushtaq Diocesan Executive Secretary –CPF & CPF team members, Rev. Fr. Peter Shanghara, Rev. Fr. Asif, Rev. Fr. John Murad, Rev. Fr. Zafar Iqbal, Rev. Fr. Younus Chnan- Parish Priests, Sr. Shubana Taj-Principal of St. Anthony School, Faisalabad,. Beneficiaries received their Food packages and also extended immense gratefulness towards Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad and Caritas Japan, also appreciated for their kind and generous concern and efforts for the deserving poor communities. All the parish priests, Sisters extended their gratitude for Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad and Caritas Japan and prayed for continuous progress and successfulness.
“Support to Flood/Heavy Rain Affected Families in The Diocese of Faisalabad” Supported by LITTLE WAY ASSOCIATION
In 2022 the devastating flood & heavy rains has badly affected almost all the provinces of Pakistan due to uncertain climatic changes. In Punjab, heavy rains falls & catastrophic flood has affected badly in which different districts, villages were badly affected. According to the geographical location River Jhelum & Chenab were situated in the Faisalabad Diocese, all the villages and areas located near these rivers were badly affected. The flood victims & heavy rains victims had faced serve damages of their crops, livestock, houses, land, their household material including furniture etc., were not able to earn or feed their families, do not have any medical assistance and were facing numerous challenges very day.
Heavy Rains & flood affected the standing crops, land due to which majority of the communities who were working as farmers, brick kiln workers, daily wagers, domestic workers, and servants and were doing low income jobs were living under poverty line. After the miserable impacts of heavy rains & flood they were unemployed and were living in very difficult situation as they were not able to restore their loss & didn’t not receive any support from any organization or government yet. The families living there were in miserable condition, most of the families lost their houses and some were partially damaged, those families were seeking for help and currently they were living with their neighbors, relatives and those who do not have any support were living in their damaged houses on their own will due to lack of resources. The stagnant flood water is causing contagious health disease including different waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, malaria, dengue fever and skin allergies etc. people were getting badly affected due to stagnant flood water because they do not have medical facilities, lack of hygiene and sanitation, they do not have any other source of safe drinking water and were using the flood water for their personal use and also for their livestock which is casing numerous contagious health issues.
To support the flood / Heavy rain affected communities Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad distributed Emergency Relief Food Packages, Hygiene Kits, Mosquitos nets & Blankets among orphans, children’s, men women & elderly people in different areas of Faisalabad with the kindest and sympathetic support of Little Way Association. By supporting the flood & heavy rain affected families they were enabled to provide their families food, basic hygiene essentials, Mosquito nets & blankets, to save their children from different rising challenges. All the targeted deprived & vulnerable families extended their gratefulness to Caritas Pakistan Faisalabad & Little way Association for supporting in their toughest time.