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Volunteers share their experience with Caritas Pakistan

Sharakat Ali was curious when Caritas Pakistan team visited his village following flashfloods in 2010.

“We took them as another NGO bringing photographers and disappearing later. Still we closed our shops and accompanied them to observe their activities,” said Sharakat who lives in Hanjli Mehtab Pur village located at the bank of Nullah Deg in Punjab province.

“Caritas Pakistan is supporting and raising awareness to my community since then. We have identifies escape routes in our flood prone area and saved many livestock in annual flooding.”

Sharakat Ali, who is the head of the Disaster Management Committee (DMC) in Hanjli Mehtab Pur, was among several volunteers who shared their stories in a plenary session on Dec 14 during the fifth Caritas convention held at Renewal Center in Lahore. They also received shields and certificates of appreciation. The event concluded with a cake cutting ceremony to mark 53 anniversary of Caritas Pakistan Day.

“Success means different things for different people but Caritas Pakistan’s success is our volunteers because we are identified through our volunteers as they represent the mission of Caritas Pakistan to work for the relief of humankind,”- Bishop Benny

According to Rabail, another female volunteer from Caritas Pakistan Quetta, Caritas initiatives has empowered women in the restive Balochistan province.

“Women are not allowed to cross doorways in our neighborhoods but Caritas has given me confidence to speak up to women and to make them aware gender equality.”

Archbishop Sebastian Shaw Deputy Chairman Caritas Pakistan urged the staff to prepare their hearts as cribs for Christmas.

“Become independent and embrace your Inner freedom. Welcome any difference of opinion but reject opposition with your colleagues. We know Christians are facing discrimination. Pray for those who give us trouble,” he said.

Mr. Amjad Gulzar Executive Director also motivated the staff to work diligently.

“We need competent persons in our organization who dedicate their life for humanity because we are here to do God’s work. Ensure gender equality at your work place and in communities,” he said.

He further added that PEACH project has provided us opportunity to recognize and appreciate the efforts volunteers and to have a systematic volunteer management system in the organization.