Tree Plantation to prevent Global Warming
Caritas Pakistan Hyderabad (CPH) Planted 500 trees in collaboration with forest department at St. Mary’s High School, Josephabad colony and also in Tondo Allahyar, on 22 October, 2019.
Tree Plantation at St. Mary’s School commence with an awareness session conducted by Mr. Mukhtar Gill (Program Coordinator CPH), who highlighted the importance of trees, that helps Humans to breath by providing Oxygen and also have positive affect on environment to reduce global warming. CPH staff accompanied Sr. Nasreen (Principal) and students to plant trees in the ground of the school.
Likewise, several local community members participated in planting trees at Bagari colony, Tondo Allahyar. Furthermore, CPH is strongly committed to plant around 2500, trees during the current week to complement “One Million Tree Plantation Campaign”.