
Thematic Session on (Year of Mercy) 30th March, 2016 Caritas Pakistan National Secretariat (CPNS) Lahore

34Caritas Pakistan National Secretariat Lahore organized one day thematic session on “Year of Mercy” on 30th March 2016 at its training centre in Lahore. 20 participants attended the program. The purpose of this thematic session was to aware the participants why Pope Francis has announced year (08th December 2015 to 20th November 2016) as year of mercy and what is its significance according to the Christian faith. Rev. Father Qaiser Feroz OFM (Cap) Parish Priest St Joseph Parish Lahore Cantt a renounced bible scholar was the resource person of session.

Fr. Qaiser Feroz shared that Year of Mercy is a extraordinary jubilee year as Catholic church celebrated the 50th anniversary of Vatican Council 2 (1965- 2015) and every fiftieth year is jubilee year. The main aim to celebrate this year to share with the people How God is merciful to humankind throughout its creation. According to old and new testaments merciful face of God can be seen through His love, care, kindness, acceptance, tolerance. He quoted the different references of different books from old and new testaments. He further shared that Jesus Christ is real face of God mercy in this world as He gave his only son for humankind for the eternal salvation giving His life on cross. In Holy Trinity God Father, God Son and God Holy Spirit are one and integrated in mercy and it can be seen throughout the study of holly bible.

In the current scenario of terrorism and deaths of thousands of children, women, men without any difference of religion, caste, creed and nationality it has badly damaged the God face of mercy so Pope Francis has declared to celebrate this year to remind the humanity that God is always merciful but human has not followed this value and made himself cruel, greedy and enemy of his own community. Father Qaiser Feroz shared the parable of prodigal son and how father is conscious about his son and waiting for his return from the sin towards the salvation. Heavenly father is always ready for forgiveness and show his kindness and face of mercy.

At the end of Father Qaiser presentation and session participants were invited for questions and sharing their views. Some questions and comments were raised by participants and responded by resource person.

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