New Year means New Goals for Caritas Pakistan
Caritas Pakistan staff has recommended new additions in major programs to be rolled as part of the strategic planning 2020-2023.
“Get your hands dirty. Get prepared to put in the effort and hard work in your tasks to make the details actually happen” said Bishop Benny while sharing his views. He also emphasized on the training of leaders from whom people are motivated and inspired.
The additions were shared during a group work session at the “5th Annual Caritas Staff & Volunteers Convention” from 13th to 15th December 2018 in Renewal Centre, Youhanabad, Lahore. Caritas team highlighted strengths as well as addition in different thematic areas including DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction), WASH (Water, Health and Sanitation) and Livelihood.
The proposed findings in DRR program included advanced school trainings, focus on persons with disabilities, swimming schools, urban DRR, booklet for school children and infrastructure development.
The Livelihood group proposed drip irrigation, renewal energy, capacity building for urban communities in food security, skill support interventions, rain harvesting tanks in drought affected areas and accelerating agricultural activities.
Similarly, the WASH group also proposed provision of safe drinking water, awareness on integration of total sanitation, SLTS (School Led Total Sanitation, CLTS (Community Led Total Sanitation), Community level installation of Hand Pump and toilet construction.
Diocesan executive secretaries also shared their analysis on drought situation in Tharparkar, the challenges of street children in Islamabad/Rawalpindi diocese, DRR interventions in South Punjab, the scope of corporate social responsibilities, coordination with Government departments and working with volunteers.
“The main objective of this convention was to provide an opportunity to staff and volunteers to learn, share and review progress of organization as per strategic plan. This forum also served as a good opportunity for exhibition of our work and planning for the future,” said Mr. Amjad Gulzar Executive Director Caritas Pakistan.