Projects Under Thematic Areas:

  • Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities Through Agriculture and Non-Agriculture
  • Smallholder Adaptive Farming & Biodiversity Network SAFBIN
  • Multifunctional Family Farming for Ideal Nutrition
  • Improving Nutrition and Income Generation through Rabbit Farming for unskilled youth, women & malnourished
  • Smallholder Adaptive Farming & Biodiversity Network (SAFBIN)
  • Smallholder Adaptive Farming (Phase-I)
  • Smallholder Adaptive Farming (Phase II)
  • Food and nutrition support for 300 families
  • Seed and Skill Support Project for Women in The Wake of the COVID-19 Situation
  • Smallholder Adaptive Farming and Biodiversity Network (SAFBIN)

Project 1: Strengthening Livelihood Opportunities through Agriculture and Non-Agriculture

Duration: January- October 2017

Districts: Layyah, Muzaffargarh, Sargodha, Khushab, Karachi and Toba Tek Singh 

Agriculture is the largest sector in Pakistan and also confronts a variety of issues that affect the environment, health, and income of small farmers as well as the rest of the community. By means of ignoring the indigenous method, the farmers adopted chemical methods for agriculture, which are badly deteriorating the production as well as the environment. Agriculture’s decline has exacerbated rural poverty and raised food insecurity. Dangers to biodiversity, depleted soil fertility, the deteriorating biological activity of the soil, and the twin dangers of water logging and salinity are all significant land resource issues.    


Enabling marginalized and less privileged communities to earn a sustainable livelihood through agriculture and non-agriculture activities and fight against climate changes practices practiced through natural resources management


  • To promote the best sustainable agricultural practices
  • To impact livestock management skills and vaccinate livestock for better milk and meat production
  • To enhance food security and livelihood opportunities through the provision of agriculture inputs and women’s entrepreneurship training


  • Project review & coordinating meeting
  • Climate change impact & adaptation options for Pakistan
  • Distribution of hand tools
  • Installation of the drip irrigation units in less irrigated and rainfed areas
  • Organic farming training
  • Livestock management
  • Kitchen gardening
  • Distribution of agricultural inputs
  • Entrepreneurship training for women, Toba Tek Singh
  • Material support for income generation
  • Entrepreneurship training in Karachi


  • The household beneficiaries of drip irrigation units are able to produce organic and fresh vegetables for consumption
  • 3038 livestock was vaccinated in vaccination camps, which minimized vulnerability to infectious diseases
  • 45 women from Toba Tek Singh district benefited from entrepreneurship
  • Climate change training capacitated 25 staff members of Caritas Pakistan. They have a better understanding of conceptual clarity about climate change issues and spreading awareness to other

Project 2: Smallholder Adaptive Farming & Biodiversity Network SAFBIN

Duration: January 2017 to December 2017

Districts: Sargodha, Khushab, and Mianwali

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the sixth-most populous country with a population exceeding 190 million people. Pakistan has made gains becoming a food surplus country and a major producer of wheat. A recent reduction in staple foods and a concurrent decline in inflation might increase access to food if the trends continue. However, 60% of the population is still facing food insecurity. Serious risks of irreversible damage are present due to air and water pollution, mismanagement of solid waste and destruction of fragile ecosystems.


  • To finalize the inception phase with a common program proposal and a program log frame, which should be based on outcomes including the facilitation of at least three workshops
  • To use the time of the inception phase to start proactive fundraising activities with all potential donors and to share the work on these activities


  • Briefing session with potential donors/stakeholders
  • One-to-one meetings with USAID, DFID, AND JICA
  • Project planning workshops
  • Registration of the farmers with the facilitation of government agriculture extension


  • Good linkages have been developed with concerned government agriculture departments at the provincial and district levels
  • Over 250 farmers from districts Sargodha and Khushab have been registered with the government Agriculture department

Project 3: Multifunctional Family Farming for Ideal Nutrition (MUFFIN)

Project Area:  For Catholic Dioceses (Lahore, Faisalabad, Quetta and Karachi)

Project Duration: July-December 2018

Project Goal:

To improve food and nutritional security of the food insecure households.

Project Objectives:

Objective 1: To train local people in the fields of agricultural management, organic farming, marketing, farming techniques, irrigation, livestock, and poultry rearing, etc.

Objective 2: To establish model farms to engage youth and researchers.

Objective 3: To reduce youth migration seeking jobs as laborers in other countries.

Objective 4: Enhance entrepreneurship skills among youth and women in agriculture.

Objective 5: Organize school feeding in selected schools.

Kitchen Gardening Session and Distribution of Kitchen Gardening Kits

A session on kitchen gardening was organized in Saif-ul-Murry Goth, Karachi dated 30 December to create awareness among women on vegetable growing in their homesteads.

Kitchen gardening kits consisting of seeds for winter vegetables and an informative booklet were also distributed.

Major Achievements/ Outcomes

  • 319 females (pregnant & lactating) received awareness on a balanced diet, nutrition and hygiene.
  • Through this project, Caritas reached out to less privileged and most vulnerable schoolchildren and women.
  • 516 children of small schools in rural villages received nutrition kits.
  • Encouraging participation of women in some women-focused activities.
  • In a few villages, farmers are preparing their own fertilizers.
  • Promotion of inter-faith harmony in the areas.

Success Story

A Water Pond and a Tank Help Drought-Hit Communities Save Water

The poor and marginalized small farmers of Ahsan Raza Goth and SheduoBhori Goth living in Gadap town, Karachi received training on water conservation. These farmers also requested Caritas to construct a water pond and water tank in their village. They were living in a drought-like situation with the absence of rain in their village for the past two years.

Caritas Pakistan under the “Multi-functional Family Farming for Ideal Nutrition project” constructed one water pound in Ahsan Raza Goth to save and store water for agricultural land. Thirty families benefited from this water pond. A water tank was also constructed in SheduoBohri Goth to save and store water for drinking. 25 families are now benefitting from this water tank. These families are thankful to Caritas Pakistan for helping them to store water.

Project 4: Improving Nutrition and Income Generation through Rabbit Farming for unskilled youth, women & malnourished

Project Area: Village 412, Tehsil Shorkot, district Jhang (Faisalabad),Khokhar Ki Malian & Habib Colony, district Sheikhupura(Lahore), Ahsan Raza Goth, Mahar Gabal Goth, Gadap Town, District Malir-Karac. (Karachi)

Project Duration: January- September 2019

Specific Objectives:

  1. To deliver awareness and training on rabbit farming/livestock management to at least 75 individuals from the target villages
  2. To provide each of the targeted household/youth with the free 4 does (female rabbit) and 1 buck (male rabbit)
  3. Identify and establish linkages with existing departments and markets
  4. Raise household farm incomes to at least PKR 10,000per month


  • Survey for the Procurement of Rabbits
  • Distribution of Rabbits to Selected Households:
  • Training of Trainers (TOT)
  • Importance of rabbit farming
  • Benefits of rabbit farming
  • Different kinds of rabbit breeds
  • Rabbit rearing (litter and cage system)
  • Rabbit feeding and breeding method
  • Beneficiary participation
  • Marketingof rabbits

Coordination & Networking:

The project was implemented in good coordination and networking with the following organizations or government departments: –

  • CLARA Organization (NGO in Faisalabad)
  • Social Welfare Office
  • Parish teams
  • Private Rabbit farm
  • Government livestock department

Major Achievements/Outcomes:

  • 120 participants were trained in rabbit farming
  • 245 participants received awareness ofa balanced diet, nutrition, and feed and fodder preservation for livestock
  • Through this project Caritas reached out to less privileged and most vulnerable children and women
  • Productive involvement of 180 households in rabbit farming
  • 1174 livestock (goats/sheep/cows) was vaccinated in drought hit villages thus reducing their vulnerability to infectious diseases

Project 5: Smallholder Adaptive Farming & Biodiversity Network (SAFBIN)

Project Area:Sargodha&Khushab Districts

Project Duration: 1st April 2018- 30 June 2021


SAFBIN Program in Pakistan is implemented in 20 villages of Sargodha and Khushab districts in close coordination with community partners, government agriculture departments, and research partners. SAFBIN is focused on six project outcomes i.e., 1. Doubling farm production and income;2.Access to a balanced diet; 3. Control over land and access to entitlements, 4. Resilience to climate change;5. multi-level co-operation and partnership; and 6. Sustainable food production and consumption of small farm agri-foods.

SAFBIN launching ceremony in Pakistan:

SAFBIN Program kicked off in Lahore on 02 August to promote local food and nutritional security for the better future of small farmers. Farmers, researchers, scientists, SAFBIN staff members, Agriculture department officials, media persons, donors, and NGO representatives attended. The remarks from dignitaries, and the ribbon cutting, followed by a SAFBIN song and a panel discussion remained the main highlights. The Chairman Caritas Pakistan Bishop Benny Travas accompanied by Executive Director, government officials, and NGO representatives unveiled the SAFBIN logo and launched the SAFBIN brochure, mugs, and handbags. The panelists including Ghulam Zakir Hassan Sail (Irrigation Research Institute), Dr.SaamiaSaif (Environmentalist), Naseem Ahmed, Deputy Director of Agriculture Extension, and two farmers gave inputs on water crisis, effects of climate change, problems faced by small farmers and extension services for small farmers.

Baseline Orientation workshop in Nepal:

SAFBIN review & coordination meetings:

Meetings with potential Research partners & MoU with Research partners:

Mr. Amir Irfan, Program Manager SAFBIN held two meetings with Dr. Hummera Amin, a focal person at Sargodha University, and Dr. Afzal, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture. Further, Research Officer, Dr. Shaheen Iqbal had meetings with Government Adaptive Research Farm and discussed possibilities. Finally, Caritas Pakistan signed MoU with the Government Adaptive Research Farm, Sargodha as a Research Partner in the month of Feb 2019.

Noticeable Changes/ Achievements:

  • 60 Smallholder farmers’ collectives have been formed, each consisting of 15 members
  • The potential beneficiaries/SHFCs know about the SAFBIN Program
  • After going through PRA and FGDs, the farmers realized problems due to climate change, the absence of a balanced diet, and dependency on external inputs
  • District forums have been formed in both districts (Sargodha &Khushab) comprising representation from different district Government departments
  • MoU with Research Partner(Government Adaptive Research Farm) MoUs with district agriculture extension and livestock departments
  • As a result of MoUs with district agriculture extension and livestock department, farmers are getting free livestock medicine and other facilities at their doorstep. This is an evident example of convergence.
  • Farmer’s capacity forthe integrated farming system has been enhanced and some farmers agreed to start IFS using different components
  • Village Resource centers have been established in every village in some villages of the Khushab district, and farmers have started implementing climate adaptation measures such as early sowing and cultivation of local varieties.

Project 6: Smallholder Adaptive Farming (Phase-I)

Project Duration: January- October 2020

Districts: Faisalabad (Jhang), Lahore (Sheikhupura, Bhambowali-Gujranwala),Multan (Vehari)

Specific Objectives:


  • Increase food security of smallholder farmers by doubling their farm production and income.
  • Enhance access of smallholder farmers to land tenure security, water, seed, entitlements, and knowledge on small farming.
  • Enhance resilience and capacity for adaptation to climate change and disaster while maintaining ecosystem and soil health.


·        Village-level project launch

·        Awareness raising on nutritious food

·        Training on adaptive farming

·        Organic farming training

·        Livestock management training

·        District forum meetings

·        Interface meetings with the government

·        Workshop with tenants & landlord

Major Achievements:

  • Seed distribution
  • 450 participants were trained in integrated farming, organic farming, livestock management, and adaptive farming
  • 510 participants received awareness of a balanced diet, nutrition
  • With the support of the agriculture extension department 290 farmers were registered with Government. These farmers will be considered eligible for government schemes and entitlements
  • Improved partnership/relationship & networking with govt officials
  • 510 children and PLW (pregnant/lactating women) benefitted from nutrition sessions.
  • Drip irrigation has resulted in little water loss due to evaporation and high-water use efficiency
  • 2000 plants were planted

Project 7: Smallholder Adaptive Farming (Phase-II)

Duration: January-October 2021

Districts: Faisalabad, Sibi, Malir, Chiniot, Toba Tek Singh, Faisalabad, and Hyderabad

Main Objectives:

The main objective of the project is to secure the food and nutritional needs of smallholder farmers


·        Orientation sessions with the community and formation of groups

·        Interface meetings with government programs/officials

·        Capacity building training/sessions

  • Organic farming training
  • Demo plot for organic farming
  • Establishment of village resource centers
  • Establishment of community seed banks
  • District forum meetings
  • Workshop with tenants & landlords
  • Kitchen gardening & distribution of vegetable seed

Major achievements:

  • 490 farmers were trained in integrated farming, organic farming, livestock management and nutrition.
  • 177 participants (farmers & project staff) received training on OFAR (On-Farm Adaptive Research)
  • With the support of the agriculture extension department 375 farmers were registered with Government.
  • Improved partnership/relationship & networking with govt officials
  • Out of 160 participants, 78% of women benefitted from kitchen gardening training and received vegetable seeds and produced vegetables in their homes.
  • Three (03) community seed banks were formed and 120 farmers benefitted
  • 08 village resource centres have been established where farmers sit together, meet with government officials and discuss their progress and problems.
  • 30 women received egg-laying hens which contributed to in the increase in income

Project 8: Food and nutrition support for 300 families

Duration: January-April 2021

Districts: Faisalabad and Karachi

Main Objectives:

  • Increase awareness among Catholic families on COVID-19 prevention
  • Distribute eggs, fruits, and juices among children to increase their immunity
  • Distribution of food baskets in the COVID-19 crisis

Major Activities:

  • Assessment and Selection
  • Brief orientation to Caritas Teams
  • Identification of most deserving Catholic families

Project 9: Seed and Skill Support Project for Women in The Wake oftheCOVID-19 Situation

Project Duration: January to June 2022

Districts: Faisalabad and Karachi

Major Activities:

  • A brief orientation to Caritas staff & Parish Teams
  • Distribution of egg-laying hens
  • Kitchen gardening training & distribution of Vegetable seed/kitchen gardening tools
  • Entrepreneurship Training & Material support
  • Need and importance of vegetables
  • Nutritional and medicinal value of vegetables
  • Benefits of home-grown vegetables
  • Components of a kitchen garden
  • Planning for a kitchen garden
  • Preparing your garden
  • Calendar of vegetables
  • Cultivation of vegetables in flower pots
  • Tools required for kitchen gardening
  • Distribution of Food & nutrition baskets

Results/ Achievements:

  • The project imparted skills and opened the door to alternative livelihood opportunities for unskilled girls and women.
  • The said project received high appreciation from communities, as there is a lack of women-focused projects.
  • Caritas Pakistan strengthened coordination and linkage with local parishes and made Catholic families realize that church leaders and institutes are standing with them in their difficulties.
  • The women and their children are consuming fresh eggs, which are a rich source of protein.
  • The women beneficiaries, received vegetable seeds and kitchen gardening tools.
  • The unskilled girls and women were capacitated on different entrepreneurship skills like detergent making, handicrafts making and other items

Project 10: Smallholder Adaptive Farming and Biodiversity Network (SAFBIN)

Project Duration: 1st July 2021-30 July 2024                                                

Districts: Gujranwala, Sheikhupura, Sahiwal, Layyah, Sargodha and Khushab

The first phase of Program implementation started in April 2018 in 20 villages of the Sargodha and Khushab districts. Although the primary focus of SAFBIN was to contribute to SDG 2 “Zero hunger”, the expected outcomes also addressed a number of additional SDGs SDG1 “No poverty”, SDG 5 “Gender equality”, SDG10 “Reduced inequalities”, SDG12 “Responsible consumption and production”, SDG13 “Climate action”, SDG15 “Life on land” and SDG17 “Partnerships for the goals”.

The 2nd phase of the SAFBIN Pakistan program with increased outreach started in July 2021. Caritas Pakistan together with Caritas Austria developed the program “SAFBIN” – an extension of the previous projectand efforts in the domain of climate change and sustainable agriculture, with a focus on smallholder farming.

Major Achievements of the SAFBIN Program:

  • Various awareness and capacity-building sessions on integrated farming, livestock management, maintaining soil health, composting and climate change issues helped farmers realizegaps in their farming system; the impacts of climate change and motivated them to practice adaptation measures.
  • Nutrition awareness sessions guided them about diseases due to nutritional disorders.
  • Farmers’ adaptation to COVID-19 is also a key achievement. Farmers adapted to this situation in several ways mentioned below:
  • Family farming (reduced cost of production)
  • Neighbor-to-neighbor support
  • Consumption of eggs and homestead vegetables
  • Selling of eggs and milk for income generation
  • Selling of vegetables (Door to door)
  • Stockpiling of wheat grains
  • Spending most of their time at the farm


Women Farmer Conferences:

Caritas Pakistan urged powering the country’s agriculture by boosting its female workforce, but it called for even more action, including separate markets for women and their share in property. More than 200 women from all over the country participated in the conference and an exhibition of organic vegetables, crop varieties and the crafts of home-based women entrepreneurs. “We wanted to provide a platform to rural women where they share their experiences. Trends are changing but a lot of work has to be done to raise awareness about climate change and food security”, said Mr. Amjad Gulzar Executive Director Caritas Pakistan addressing the conference. Caritas Pakistan organized Women Farmer Conference in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. These were found to be very effective as many farmers got an opportunity to share their knowledge and learn from each other.

Main Objective:

This event aims to bring together women farmers and entrepreneurs from across the country and provide a platform to them to voice their issues and gather relevant learning from one another.

Major Contents:

  1. Women & agriculture
  2. Need for skill promotion among rural and urban women 3. Effect of climate change on social and economic life of women
  3. Opportunities for women empowerment in Pakistan
  4. Drip irrigation method for vegetable gardening
  5. Super bio-fermented and bio-gas plant
  6. Challenges faced by women living in desert areas 8. Exhibitions of women entrepreneurship project, best sustainable agriculture
  7. Practices, and organic crop samples
  8. Testimonies of women farmer
  9. Women access to market
  10. Cultural program

Caritas Pakistan is committed for the development of women and appeals you to join and support women empowerment initiatives at grassroots level.