Food support on Feast day of Saint Teresa
Caritas Pakistan Karachi with the support of the Robin Hood Army Pakistan distributed 198 Food Packages

(Dry Ration) among most deserving and vulnerable families affected due to monsoon rain and urban flood at St. Joseph Catholic Church Sadaiq Nagar on 05th of September, 2020 on the feast day of saint mother Teresa.
Mr. Mansha Noor, Executive Secretary CPK thanked the Robin Hood Army and his team for their kind concern and support to distribute the food hampers among most vulnerable and needy families of Sadiq Nagar and Kusar Naizi Colony. Mr. Mansha presented Caritas Pakistan Annual Report and Jacket to Mr. Sameer Beg, Head of Robin Hood Army Pakistan as token of Love from Caritas.
Mr. Sameer thanked Mr. Tofiq Pasha for their kind support to coordinate and facilitated the whole process to support theses needy families by providing food hampers through the networking of Robin Hood Army Pakistan. Karachi based Robin Hood Army gets surplus food from restaurants and the community to serve less fortunate people.