Caritas Initiative for Education Promotion

Exposure visit to NFE centers in Multan

On June 16, 2021, team from Caritas Pakistan National Secretariat and Caritas Pakistan Lahore in the leadership of Ms. Sana, National Program Coordinator for Non Formal Education paid Education Learning Exposure Visit to CPM Non Formal Education Centres. Mr. Samuel Clement Executive Secretary Caritas Pakistan Multan welcomed team of CPNS and CPL. Mr. Ambrose Gill M&E officer shared brief history of Caritas Pakistan Multan.
After that Mrs. Catherine Nixon overview of Non Formal Education Project briefly explained the process from Social Mobilization to passing out of NFE Student. She and Mrs. Grace Sania explained all steps and shared their experiences. Mr. Kashif Raza Gill DPO Khanewal and Mr. Prince Alvin DPO Multan explained role of CMT, networking with schools and district departments and community participation in the project activities. After that Team visited 2 Non Formal Education Centres in Multan. They met with Teachers, Members of CMT and Students. Teachers explained the whole process of record keeping.