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Cash and food distributed on day of prayer

Caritas Pakistan teams countrywide marked the Day of Prayer, fasting and work of charity by handing over cash and food items among those affected by virus outbreak. Caritas Pakistan Karachi with the support of Dr. Farhad Masharique of Baha’I Religion distributed cash of Rs.2000/each among the 50 less privileged families who lost their source of income as a result of virus lock-down.

Mr. Mansha Noor Executive Secretary CPK facilitated the aid distribution among Muslims, Christians and Hindus families on 14th of May, 2020. The events marked the worldwide day of prayer for people of all faiths called for by the Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, an international religious community based in the UAE, formed during Pope Francis’s visit to Abu Dhabi last year.


In Multan, Bishop Benny Mario Travas Chairman Caritas Pakistan joined Caritas Pakistan team in distributing food packages among 130 families from LaSalle colony and Cathedral Parish. Father Yousaf Sohan Vicar General, Father Nadeem Patras and Mr. Samuel Clement Executive Secretary CPM also joined the aid distribution.

In Hyderabad, our staff commenced the day with Morning Prayer to end the Corona virus epidemic so that all the troubled people of the world can get rid of this disease. Manshad Asghar Executive Secretary CPH shared the message of Pope Francis. Food was later provide to 50 daily wager laborers.

In Rawalpindi, Caritas Pakistan team distributed 25 ration bags among deserving families of St. Joseph Cathedral Rawalpindi. His Grace Archbishop Dr Joseph Arshad, Fr Anthan Ilyas and Mr. Kamran Sattar Executive Secretary CPIR also graced the occasion. IEC material was also distributed among the beneficiary families. In Quetta, Mr. Sharafat Shareef distributed 15 food packages among daily workers in Loralai. “These activities were part of Pope Francis call for a Day of Prayer, fasting and work of charity, to implore God to help humanity overcome the coronavirus pandemic. Similar events were held in Faisalabad and Lahore dioceses,” said Mr. Amjad Gulzar Executive Director Caritas Pakistan.